- 2011 november 4:Cikket írtam az Élet és Irodalom
című hetilapnak--"A
párt, az egyház és az
- 2011 áprilisában a Galamus
G-7 című rovatának voltam a
vendégszerzője. Öt cikkem jelent meg a
portálon: Alkotmány
és polgári engedetlenség, Sokszínű
nemzetépités, Bűn
és bünhődés, A
pártállam hosszú árnyéka
és Jézus
- 2011 április 4-én a
Népszabadságban jelent meg az Irathiány
átka című írásom.
- 2011 március 18: Az Élet
és Irodalom publikálta a Világ
lát, hall tiltakozik, Magyarország hallgat
című összeállításomat,
melyet Kenedi Jánossal együtt
- March 18, 2011: Moving Image
Archive News publishes a lengthy piece
on my state security archives campaign.
- March 4, 2011: The Associated Press (AP)
published a lengthy report
on my campaign against Hungarian government Resolution
1283/2010, which would have led to the destruction of the
country's state security archives.
- March 4, 2011: Centretown News
published an article
entitled Online Centretown Petition has International Impact
on my campaign to save Hungarian state security documents.
- February 28, 2011: The
Economist's Eastern European blog published on a piece
on my campaign to save the Historical Archives of Hungarian
State Security.
- 2011 február 25-én az
Élet és Irodalom Egy
tiltakozás utóélete címen
közölt tudosítást az
állambiztonsági levéltári iratok
megőrzéséért indított
- 2011 január 21-én
készült interjú
velem a Klubrádióban.
- January 13, 2011: My article, entitled Hungary
erases the past and whitewashes the future appeared in
the National Post.
Previous news items
- The Toronto Star interviewed
me for a piece on Hungary's 2010 parliamentary elections
- Over two dozen photo albums have been uploaded to the gallery section of this site,
focusing on my travels over the past three years.
- A book I edited, entitled The
1956 Hungarian Revolution: Hungarian and Canadian
Perspectives and published by the University of
Ottawa press is available for order through the Amazon
Conference Papers & Speeches
- Opening remarks at
the reconsecration of the Kapuskasing Internee Cemetery,
October 13, 2011
- "Hungary's endangered state security archives," Hungarian
Media and Archives Policies Today: Big Controversies in a
Small Country, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ), April
20, 2011
- "The end of the Hungarian Canadian communist movement,"
Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC), Concordia
University (Montreal), May 29-30, 2010
- "The Language of Repression – The Hungarian Communist Press
and the Suppression of the Catholic Church of Hungary,"
Persecution of Churches in the Communist Countries of Central
and Eastern Europe, Bratislava, October 1, 2009
- "The Activities of Hungarian State Security in Canada,
1956-1989," Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC),
Carleton University (Ottawa), May 23, 2009
- "Hungary's Cultural Struggle: Church, Youth and the New
Order-- 1946." Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC)
, University of Western Ontario (London, ON.) , Congress of
the Humanities and Social Sciences , May 2005 .
- "The Apologetics of the Accused: Fascism and the Catholic
Church of Hungary, 1945-1949." Hungarian Studies Association
of Canada (HSAC) , University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB.)
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, May 2004.