As the year and the decade draw to a close, I was sifting through my photos to see which moments are ones that I am most likely to remember as we enter the twenties. The one which stands out the most is my great aunt’s ninetieth birthday celebration this past summer in Pápa, Hungary. But 2019 also took me to Vancouver, Ohio, Vermont and upstate New York. Here’s 2019 filtered through the thick glass lens of my Canon camera…
Hungary 2019
My great aunt, Sarolta Nagy, or Sári néni (Aunt Sári) as we call her in Hungarian, seen here celebrating her 90th birthday in her hometown of Pápa, in western Hungary. (Photo: C. Adam)My great aunt with Fr. Ferenc Salgó of Saint Anne Parish (Szent Anna templom) in Pápa. Fr. Ferenc has served in this parish for over three decades and has known my great aunt for all those years. (Photo: C. Adam.)My great aunt with two of her long-time friends. Photo: C. Adam.A Hungarian civil servant presents a birthday certificate from the Prime Minister of Hungary. (Photo: C. Adam.)Fr. Ferenc presents a bouquet on behalf of Szent Anna Parish. (Photo: C. Adam)With my great aunt and Fr. Ferenc. The sign to the left reads: Happy 90th birthday.Sári néni with staff at the home in Pápa. (Photo: C. Adam)Pápa’s main street, called Kossuth Lajos utca, on a summer’s day. (Photo: C. Adam)Pápa’s main square (Fő Tér) and market in July 2019. Photo: C. Adam.The sign at the entrance of the town of Pápa, with the municipal crest. Photo: C. Adam.The interior of Pápa’s 18th century Great Church (Nagytemplom, in Hungarian). Photo: C. Adam.After a day in the sweltering July heat, I needed to cool off a bit. This is part of Pápa’s thermal bath complex. Photo: C. Adam.The sun settles over the Danube in south Buda. In addition to spending time in Pápa, I had two weeks in Budapest this past summer. In this photo, the sun settles over the Danube in south Buda. (Photo: C. Adam.)Gellért Square in Budapest on a bright July morning. Photo: C. Adam.The typical Budapest picture, with the Elisabeth Bridge over the Danube and the Buda hills in the background. Photo: C. Adam.A quiet summer afternoon in Budapest. Photo: C. Adam.A spot in the sun at the Rudas Bath in Budapest. Photo: C. adamThe grand chandelier and ornate ceiling in the Lotz Lotz Café in Budapest. Photo: C. Adam.The grand interior of the Lotz Café. This is very much worth a visit if you are in Budapest — and it tends to be a quieter spot, if you need a break from the bustle of this popular city. Photo: C. Adam.English-language Sunday service at Budapest’s City Park Lutheran. The church was built in 1905 in the Neogothic style and today is home to an English-language congregation, serving the diverse expat community. Photo: C. Adam.Drinks and lunch at a restaurant in Buda called Jégkert or, in English, Ice Garden. Seemed appealing in the summer heat. I’m with two Hungarian friends who I came to know in Canada: In the centre, László Remzső and to his left Gábor Lévai.Making use of the Danube on a Friday evening — in South Buda. Photo: C. Adam.One of my favourite entrances along leafy Andrássy Boulevard. Photo: C. AdamGood morning from Komárno/Komárom, Slovakia, a bilingual (Slovak/Hungarian) city located 90 kilometres northwest of Budapest, on the northern banks of the Danube. Like most border crossings within the European Union’s Schengen Area, this one too is inconspicuous; an old sign half-hidden behind trees and a comfortable, unhindered stroll into Slovakia.Europe Place in the town of Komárno/Komárom, Slovakia. Photo: C. Adam.Europe Place, in the historic bilingual (Slovak/Hungarian) town of Komárno/Komárom, in Slovakia. Photo: C. Adam.The quiet train station in rural Hungary, in the village of Vaszar, as seen from the train window. Photo: C. Adam.The rural landscape in Hungary, as seen from a train on a hazy hot day in July. Photo: C. AdamBudapest’s Freedom statue basking in the sun. Photo: C. AdamAn afternoon barbecue with family in Budapest. Photo: C. Adam.St. Michael’s Church in Central Budapest (Belvárosi Szent Mihály templom) — Completed in 1765. Photo: C. Adam.
Vermont 2019
Lunch with a friend and former classmate of mine, Fr. James Dodson, in the quaint Vermont town of St. Alban’s.Berries and rushing water in Vermont… Photo: C. Adam.Near Swanton VT. Photo: C. Adam.
Ohio 2019
One of many gardens in the German Village, in Columbus, OH — October 2019. Photo: C. Adam.A quiet October Sunday in the German Village — Columbus, OH. Photo: C. Adam.Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Columbus, OH on a Sunday in October. Photo: C. Adam.The interior of Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbus, OH. Photo: C. Adam.The Columbus skyline in October. Photo: C. Adam.The ornate Art Moderne Leveque Tower in Columbus, OH. Photo: C. Adam.A glass globe in downtown Columbus. Photo: C. Adam.Pre film screening reception in Athens, OH with my friend and film director Edit Jakab. Photo: C. Adam.We all remember him, right? “Life is like a box of chocolates….” In Chillicothe, OH. Photo: C. Adam.Where’s Waldo? (Aka The Photographer)…Photo: C. Adam. In Columbus, OH.
Back home in Montreal…
Slightly staged? Front (left-to-right): My aunt Andrea Négyessy and my mother Alice Adam. Top: My sister Alexandra Adam and my cousin Christina Perusko. Photo: C. Adam.Crooked silver — Back home- Photo: C. Adam.Spring back home in Montreal. Photo: C. Adam.The colours of Thanksgiving in Canada.. Photo: C. Adam.
Earlier this year, I posted a couple of albums from my travels — including one from my trip to Vancouver in June and an album from my visit to Budapest’s Cave Church.
There are still a few weeks left in the year, so this isn’t farewell to 2019 just yet. I’m still reading and you can expect a couple more book reviews from me before the year is up!
Great pictures 🙂