Standing on the threshold of a new year, I am bidding farewell to 2018 with a selection of photographs I took both at home and abroad. This year I traveled to Saskatchewan, Ohio, Kentucky, Hungary and Portugal. Let’s begin with photos from my trip at the end of May to Saskatchewan, where I was fortunate to visit the historic, late nineteenth century Hungarian settlements of Esterhazy, Kaposvár and Békevár.
The Kaposvár Catholic Church (Our Lady of Assumption) and the cemetery. Photo: C. AdamA young local student from Esterhazy, whose grand parents were Hungarian, tends to the Kaposvár cemetery and church during the summer months and on weekends. Photo: C. AdamKaposvar, Sask. cemetery. Photo: C. Adam.Local volunteers care for the Kaposvár Church. Photo: C. Adam.The Kaposvár Catholic Church. Photo: C. Adam
Kaposvár and Békevár were the names of two Hungarian settlements in Saskatchewan, both dating back to the late nineteenth century. In Kaposvár, a stone church perched on a hill, surrounded by the vast prairies, attests to the historic Hungarian presence in the region. In Békevár, we were hosted by a small Hungarian community–mostly elderly Hungarians whose parents or grandparents came to Canada from Hungary in the first two decades of the twentieth century. In addition to their hospitality, it was noteworthy that many in Békevár still spoke some Hungarian. I looked at the Town of Kipling (Békevár) website and found that of the seven members of the current Town Council, four have Hungarian family names.
The historic Békevár Presbyterian Church, modelled off of the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen, Hungary. Photo: C. Adam.The welcome sign at Békevár.Local Békevár residents. Photo: C. AdamThe interior of the historic Békevár Presbyterian Church. Photo: C. Adam.Members of the Békevár Hungarian community, in Kipling, Saskatchewan. Photo: C. Adam.
What I will remember most about Regina is the hospitality and friendliness of its residents. They seemed genuinely pleased to have so many visitors from across Canada and further afield coming for the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences…They even let us ride their city buses for free. I had a chance to spend some time roaming around Saskatchewan’s provincial capital with my camera and here are the results…
The Saskatchewan Power Building, completed in 1963, stands out as an example of mid-twentieth century modern architecture. It was designed by Hungarian-Canadian architect Joseph Pettick. Photo: C. Adam.Dusk settles over downtown Regina. Photo: C. Adam.Provincial Legislature. Photo: C. Adam.Her Majesty and Her Bird. Photo: C. Adam.The Wascana park area. Photo: C. Adam.Margit Lovrics has served as treasurer of the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada for 24 years. She was thanked at our conference this year for her remarkable dedication. Photo: C. Adam.
Cincinnati–it started with the rental car lady at the airport instructing me: “Now you just go on out there and choose any car from the lot that makes you feel sexy.” I chose a Nissan, but I suppose I could have taken something bold and wild. I must be too Church of England to do that. Cincinnati lies on the north side of the Ohio river and Covington directly across, in northern Kentucky. German culture has left its mark on both cities–both in terms of city and place names, landmarks, as well as cuisine. I have one more day here, and will venture out into the relentless heat again to do some more exploring.
These trips are a good reminder to all of us back home in Canada that U.S. cities and regions, the societies that give them life, are more complex and nuanced than we sometimes imagine, think or credit.
The John A. Roebling Bridge and the Cincinnati skyline by day. Photo: C. Adam.Gracing a street in downtown Cincinnati with a grand chandelier. Photo: C. Adam.Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati.The Carroll Chimes Clock Tower in Covington. Photo: C. Adam.The steeple of the German Lutheran Church, peaking out from the trees. Photo: C. Adam.Neon galore at the Cincinnati American Sign Museum. Photo: C. Adam.The Cincinnati American Sign Museum not only collects old neon signs, but repairs and restores them as well. It’s one of the very few places that still does this. Photo: C. AdamThe Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, KY. Photo: C. Adam.Stained glass in the grand Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, KY. Photo: C. Adam.
Our great aunt recently turned 89. She lives approximately 180 km west of Budapest, in the town of Pápa, Hungary (pop. 27,000). The town’s name simply translates to “Pope” in English and is known for its many schools and churches. Our great aunt’s retirement home is very modest–but its director and head nurse, Livia, makes all the difference. She is remarkably dedicated and committed to the 30 elderly people who live here. We spent two days in Pápa, before heading back to Budapest
With my great aunt in the middle and director/head nurse Livia.Family memories. Photo: C. Adam.With our great aunt, Sári néni. Photo: C. Adam.The main public square in Pápa, Hungary. Photo: C. Adam.Storm clouds gather over the Danube and the Crown of Saint Stephen in Budapest. Photo: C. Adam.I lived here from 1992 to 1994. This is at the corner of Victor Hugo St. and Pozsonyi. Our apartment was the one with the balcony on the fifth floor, on the right. Photo: C. Adam.Rush hour in Budapest (Elisabeth Bridge). Photo: C. Adam.View of Budapest as seen from Gellért mountain, with the Elisabeth Bridge connecting Buda to Pest. Photo: C. Adam.The Liberty Statue, erected in 1947. Photo: C. Adam.Hands down best store front in all of Budapest, in Váci utca. Photo: C. AdamThese open faced sandwiches are prevalent in Budapest. Photo: C. Adam.City Park / Városliget. Photo: C. Adam.View from near the foot of Gellért, looking towards Buda. Photo: C. Adam.Kupak deals with temptation.
My trip to Portugal in August 2018 exceeded all expectations. From Lisbon to Faro, Portugal is a charming, friendly and quite affordable country, with fantastic food and drink to boot! Lisbon is a really appealing destination for a number of reasons: the city has layers and layers of history literally etched into every smooth cobble stone sidewalk and narrow, steep street. The food is fantastic (especially the fish) and the prices are very affordable relative to almost anywhere else in western Europe. Lisbon is a great city for exploring, not to mention cardio: a city of hills, you learn to climb and descend its streets all day.
A rooftop lunch in Lisbon. Photo: C. Adam.Terreiro do Paço in Lisbon. Photo: C. Adam.Terreiro do Paço in Lisbon. Photo: C. Adam.Central Lisbon street scene. Photo: C. Adam.Mediterranean colours. This is so similar to what you see in places like Greece or Israel. Photo: C. Adam.Cais das Colunas. The traditional entry point to Lisbon, especially for dignitaries arriving by ship. Photo: C. Adam.Fixing up some drinks along the water. Photo: C. Adam.Musical performance and the Ponte 25 de Abril. (Built in 1966.) Photo: C. Adam.The duck really wants a drag. Photo: C. Adam.This display at the Museu do Aljube-Resistência e Liberdade portrays a woman using a specially modified and silenced typerwriter, to evade the secret police and informants during the Salazar regime. Photo: C. Adam.An abundance of flowers in front of a home in Faro’s Old Town. Photo: C. Adam.The beach near Faro. Photo: C. Adam.Faro’s town centre. Photo: C. Adam.Of colours and textures on Faro Beach. Photo: C. Adam.
Closer to home…
O’Brien Beach, on the shores of Meech Lake. I almost want to drink from the water, but I’ll try to stick to swimming. Photo: C. Adam.Sixteen stories above Ottawa on a Saturday in June. Photo: C. Adam.My mother off to her birthday dinner in Montreal. Photo: C. AdamSummer at home in Montreal’s NDG borough…My mother’s garden. Photo: C. Adam.Christmas Eve 2018 in Montreal. Photo: C. Adam.
[…] (Featured photo: Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, KY in 2018. Photo by: Christopher Adam–originally published here.) […]