Occasionally my line of work requires that I be in the office most of the weekend. When this happens, I try to take Monday off. My camera had been mostly gathering dust for some time now, while a combination of treacherous sidewalks and overall busyness caused me to neglect going for walks. Today was as good a day as any to finally rectify this situation–in fact, with crisp blue skies, a warm sun and the relentless wind finally off on holiday somewhere, it was a better day than most. I live a stone’s throw from Ottawa’s Caldwell-Carver Conservation Area; its walking paths and the frozen surface of McKay Lake served as the venue for a quiet noon-time walk this eleventh of February.

[…] Az alábbi fotót tegnap (hétfő) délután készítettem, a házamhoz közeli Caldwell-Carver természetvédelmi területen. Tovább fotók téli sétámról személyes honlapomon… […]